Frequently asked questions

We have great answers to all the questions our clients have to ask

When Is Diabetes Self-Management Education And Support Necessary?

There are 4 critical times when it is necessary for you to recieve Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support

  1. At diagnosis
  2. Once a year
  3. When you are not meeting your health goals or facing a new challenge
    • A new health concern
    • A new medication
    • Issues not related to your diabetes like financial problems
  4. When there are changes in your health care or life stages
    • New doctor
    • Insurance change
    • New medication
    • Assisted Living
Why Is Diabetes Self-Management Education And Support Necessary?
People with diabetes are at greater risk for health complications such as blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, and amputations. Better health management can help people with diabetes live longer, healthier lives. Evidence suggests that DSMES is one of the most affordable means of achieving this.
What Happens During A Healthy Lifestyle Counselling Session?
At Healthy lifestyle counseling, your risks for developing chronic diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure will be assessed. We will work together with you to identify goals and strategies to minimize your chances of developing chronic diseases.
Who Needs Diabetes Self-Management Education And Support ?
Anyone diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes.
Who Is A Certified Diabetes Educator?

A Certified Diabetes Educator is trained to provide evidence-based Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support services and help people live well with diabetes. They also play a role in helping people prevent type 2 diabetes.

“As a member of your diabetes care team, a diabetes care and education specialist works with you to develop a management plan that fits your lifestyle, beliefs, and culture. They'll help you understand how to use devices like meters, insulin pens, pumps, and continuous glucose monitoring devices; and use the information from these devices and your lifestyle to identify patterns and opportunities for improvement. You'll work together to find solutions to address your most pressing challenges.

Diabetes education provided by a diabetes care and education specialist can help people with all types of diabetes better manage their blood glucose, develop coping skills to address the daily challenges of the disease, reduce the risks for complications, decrease costs by reducing or eliminating the need for medications and emergency room visits, and help find and access cost-savings programs.”


Will I Gain A Certificate After Successful Completion Of The DSMES Programme?
A certificate of participation will be provided for persons completing at least 80% of the program.

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